First a quote attributed to Bishop Koyle about what will eventually happen to the US Dollar. This prediction was made decades ago, back when a common man would earn $20 to $30 per day! This coming price and wage crash will also be what allows the Relief Mine to purchase wheat at 50 cents per bushel. At current prices, wheat is typically between $6.00 and $7.00.

He was shown that our entire wage and price structure had risen higher and higher so that it was like it was up on high stilts, and then suddenly it was as if someone over-night had kicked the stilts out from under it, and the whole thing came down with a crash to about 20 cents on the dollar. A man who had been getting paid $20 or $30 a day would then be lucky to find work at $5 or $6 a day, but mainly there was no work to be found. His property would only be worth l/5 of its former value, but his mortgage and other fixed debts would remain the same.

Fortunately one of the things the Relief Mine will do is offer low interest loans to help people from losing their home or farm.

As early as 1911, his prediction about the economic decline and collapse was recorded by Carter Grant. At that time he told about how he saw the Relief Mine establish a bank on a corner in Spanish Fork, and later he spoke of another one at the mine in White City. He saw groups of people coming to this bank with long, sad faces, their pleas for help having gone unheeded by other banks; but they left with happy faces because here they had found relief, and their homes and farms were saved from foreclosure.

Now for today's news story about the major BRICS announcement...

June 11, 2024

At a meeting Tuesday in Russia, BRICS announced that it is in the final stages of its de-dollarization mission. According to BRICS representatives at the meeting, their new payment system was confirmed, and it will become a competitor for the current global reserve US dollar.

Economic ministers of leading BRICS member countries have announced that they are in the final stages of completing complete de-dollarization. The bloc’s goal is for its multipolar international monetary system to mark the end of the US dollar as the sole global reserve currency. A new payment system has been rumored and discussed for a significant time, but now the BRICS alliance has officially confirmed its development and first target: the US Dollar.

The BRICS economic alliance has sought to challenge the global economic status quo for the last two years. The bloc has sought increased resistance from the Western-dominated financial order. Those efforts have come in the form of increased de-dollarization practices and the promotion of the bloc’s own local currencies.

Furthermore, the BRICS alliance initiated this two-day meeting with 20 countries in attendance to discuss expansion and economic cooperation. Foreign Ministers of countries belonging to the bloc are currently in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. Topics at hand included the upcoming expansion of the BRICS+, de-dollarization efforts, and building further economic and trade relations with one another. Now, its work in developing its BRICS currency has also been discussed.

BRICS aims to cut ties with the US dollar and use local currencies for all cross-border transactions among member nations. The move is attracting other developing countries to join BRICS in 2024. The idea of ditching the US Dollar for local currencies and a new global reserve has become more popular. The alliance’s gold-backed currency concept and CBDCs are considered worthy alternatives.

How soon do you think BRICS will pull the trigger on the dollar completely? Leave your comments below.

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