As everyone can see in the news, the United States is currently grappling with a range of significant issues that have heightened divisions within the country. From political polarization to social unrest, the nation faces numerous challenges. These struggles have led some to question whether the current climate could potentially escalate to a more severe conflict, such as a civil war.

Oddly enough, Bishop Kole was shown by the Lord that when our country breaks down, 66% of the people will die, which is astounding!

I saw that two out of every three people would lose their lives from starving, or from being killed on account of the judgments of God that would be in full swing. I saw that I could walk great distances right here in Utah, by stepping from one man's dead body to the other.

Here is another relevant prophecy that talks about what happens after all of the cars and trains stop running, and even manufacturing would cease because of a complete breakdown in our economy:

...then the really big troubles began with famine, warfare, plagues and judgments, and we would have to make White City and the Dream Mine into a fortress to protect ourselves from ravaging mobs. In many places, Koyle said, the dead would outnumber the living, while in others there would not even be enough living to bury the dead.

As you may know, the "powers that be" like to tell the masses what is coming through the use of movies. This is referred to as predictive programming. One example in 2005 may be the Oil Storm documentary. It was released on TV just two months before Hurricane Katrina ended up causing the very damage the documentary depicted. Apparently the mass devastation was orchestrated through the use of weather modification. Dane Wigington warns of this technology at and in this 2 minute video. Regardless, according to the "elites", the masses were warned.

Some people are saying that the Civil War movie released earlier this year may also foreshadow things to come. Are "they" telling us what to expect in the near future? Have you seen this movie yet? If not, check out the short trailer!

(2 minutes)

Within the first few seconds, you'll hear the narrator say, '19 states have seceded,' followed by, 'the three-term president assured that the uprising will be dealt with swiftly.' What a strange statement to include in the opener. If this movie is truly foreshadowing, who are "they" hinting will return to the presidential office after already serving two terms? A three-term president, of course, is clearly against the Constitution. A situation like this could only arise during a time of chaos, martial law, or outright civil war. Right?

Also, there are many voices online highlighting the real possibility of another civil war starting soon. I'll share a few excerpts below.

Historian Warns 4 out of 4 Major Predictors for Civil War in the US Have Already Happened
by Kevin Hughes at

A noted historian, demographer, and author is warning that the United States is on the verge of another civil war.

Neil Howe, who co-authored the book “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy,” noted that four out of five predictors for a crisis have already happened, leaving the country on the edge of unparalleled internal conflict. In a recent interview with the Daily Signal, Howe summarized the factors he considers are pushing the American nation toward a possible civil war.

He said the first of four that have come to pass is a “crisis over debt”.

The second is a WMD (weapon of mass destruction) attack on a major American city, this being the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York City. Howe said the terrorist attacks accomplished this prediction by bringing destruction and enduring consequences.

The third was the pandemic, specifically the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which swept across the world beginning in 2020.

The fourth one was Russia invading a former Soviet republic. This was fulfilled when Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, and it connects with his prediction of international tensions reaching a fever pitch.

Howe said the only remaining predictor is a nullification crisis, where “one or more of the states would actually nullify federal regulation, which could lead to a new secession movement.” Such an event could be the tipping point that drops the country into chaos.

“We Are Now on the Brink”: Billionaire Investor Says a US Civil War Likely
by Raw Egg Nationalist |

There could be a 40% chance of a new US civil war breaking out, according to billionaire investor Ray Dalio.

In an interview with the Financial Times on Thursday, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, said that the probability of civil strife is higher than it has ever been.

“We are now on the brink,” he said. The US faces “much more turbulent times.”

This is not the first time Dalio has made such a warning. In late 2020, he suggested the US was already “seeing a form of civil war.” He was referring to internal movements within the nation as large numbers of people moved to other states for political and financial reasons.

Leading Security/Disaster Rescue Expert Warns Government And Major Corporations Are Secretly Preparing For Civil War & Martial Law

Also recently on, Alex posted an informative 30 minute video you may want to watch. Steve Slepcevic breaks down the importance of preparedness as the "establishment" prepares to implode civilization.

Putin Ally Predicts US Will Collapse in 'Imminent New Civil War'

Former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, issued a warning on Saturday predicting the United States will collapse in an "imminent new civil war" amid this year's election over Russian sanctions. He said, "So, it's sanctions forever. Or rather, until the US collapses during an imminent new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes films about this for a reason."

These various quotes are significant. But what about members of the Church you may be asking? Have they said anything? Yes, there are many quotes from leaders and members, both in the distant past and in modern times.

As you may recall, David Whitmer was one of the three witnesses to the gold plates of the Book of Mormon. Here is what he said about the coming civil war.

Question: When will the temple be built in Independence, Missouri?
Answer: Right after the great tribulation is over.
Question: What do you mean by that?
Answer: A civil war more bloody and cruel than the rebellion. It will be the smashing up of this nation, about which time the second great work has to be done, a work like Joseph did, and the translation of the sealed plates and peace all over.

(Source: Interview by Dr. Poulson with David Whitmer, Deseret News, Friday, August 16, 1878)

From the Millennial Star:

It shall fall upon them like the visitation of a whirlwind, sweeping the country like a night flood. The populace will be divided into innumerable factions, and blood, carnage and woe will be rampant among them, filling the hearts of the more peacefully disposed with fear and dismay. Many may laugh at such a prediction, but, unless the people repent, it will come as surely as night follows day. Weakened and powerless from internal broils and disturbances, the nation will become a prey to the remnants left of the aboriginal inhabitants, who will be filled with vengeful rage at the wrongs that have been perpetuated upon them and furiously spread destruction in every direction. ("The Coming Millennium", published in the Millennial Star in 1880)

From President John Taylor:

"Not only Salt Lake but other adjoining cities will be destroyed, and in the east, in Missouri, in Jackson County, civilization will become entirely extinct. All means of transportation, such as railroads and highways, will be destroyed; the only means of travel will be on foot, and all manufacturing of all kinds will be entirely destroyed. Be sure when you see these things come, see that you have buttons, needles, and things to work with in order to make yourself clothing, thread and cloth as far as possible because all tools and every kind of machinery will be destroyed. It will be such a destructive war that the sufferings and drivings of the people from Nauvoo will only be as a drop in the bucket as compared with the suffering that will take place at this time, until one- half of the people will not follow the leaders and one-half of the others will die and turn because of the sufferings they will have to go through; but the Lord will bless those who stay with the authorities, and they shall not all be destroyed.

From the Prophet Joseph Smith:

The time is soon coming, when no man will have any peace but in Zion and her stakes. I saw men hunting the lives of their own sons, and brother murdering brother, women killing their own daughters, and daughters seeking the lives of their mothers. I saw armies arrayed against armies. I saw blood, desolation, fires. The Son of Man has said that the mother shall be against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother. These things are at our doors. . . . Satan will rage, and the spirit of the devil is now enraged. I know not how soon these things will take place; but with a view of them, shall I cry peace? No! . . . How long you will have good crops, and the famine be kept off, I do not know; when the fig tree leaves, know then that the summer is nigh at hand. (Joseph Smith, DHC 3:390-91, 1839)

From A. Milton Musser:

My brother, Noah Packard, says that he heard the Prophet Joseph say that the next great war [in the United States] after the war of the rebellion would commence in a little town now called Chicago, but at that time it would have grown to be a very large city. And another brother told me that the Prophet said that the cause of the next great trouble of the United States would be the depreciation of the currency of the United States. I believe I have given you all the facts in as short and concise manner as possible. (Letter of Nephi Packard to A. Milton Musser, July 24, 1896, A. Milton Musser Papers)

From Jedediah M. Grant:

When we hear of war in foreign lands--when we hear of the revolutions among nations afar off, we necessarily infer that distresses incident to war and the hottest of the battle will not come nigh unto us. It is natural for man to make favorable conclusions as to his own safety, when danger threatens, but the Prophet saw in the vision, that war and distress of nations will not only occur in Europe, in Asia, and in the islands of the sea, but he saw it upon the American Continent--in the region of country where he first introduced the doctrine of the Son of God; so we may look for calamity in our own borders, in our own nation, as well as in the nations of foreign climes. (Jedediah M. Grant, JD 2:147, 1854)

From President Heber C. Kimball:

I would like to see the people take a course to make their own clothing, make their own machinery, their own knives and their own forks, and everything else we need, for the day will come when we will be under the necessity of doing it, for trouble and perplexity, war and famine, bloodshed and fire, and thunder and lightning will roll upon the nations of the earth, insomuch that we cannot get to them, nor they to us. (Life of Heber C. Kimball, p. 411)

From President Ezra T. Benson:

Have you ever paused to realize what would happen to your community or nation if transportation were paralyzed or if we had a war or depression? How would you and your neighbors obtain food? How long would the corner grocery store or supermarket sustain the needs of the community? (Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, Oct. 1980)

Also, if you haven't read it yet, be sure to check out Near Death Experience Depicts Civil War and Collapse.

Finally, what is the purpose of this post? It's to remind people that Bishop Koyle and other true prophets have been shown by the Lord that a second civil war will take place in our nation, and that it happens around the time that the Relief Mine is vindicated. So get prepared for what is coming!

Some questions to ponder:

  1. Will this tumultuous election, along with the devaluation of the US dollar as prophesied by Joseph Smith, lead to the next civil war?
  2. Are you considering the possibility of relocating to White City, which will be built around the Relief Mine, or to other places of refuge that will be designated by the Lord?

Leave your comments below.

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Remember, Bishop Koyle told believers that owning 100 shares would be sufficient to care for any man's family. But, if a man had more than 100, he would be in a better position to assist his fellow men during the times of financial trouble and famine.