When covering current news, I like to start by including a quote or two from Bishop Koyle. One time in 1946 an attorney who sometimes attended the Thursday night meetings, said to the Bishop, "How are you going to stop the government from taking about 94% of the gold away from you?" The Bishop replied with:

...there ain't goin' to be no government when the Mine comes in!

And according to #70 on the list of Koyle prophecies that John Jordan maintained:

Taxes will be impossibly oppressive. But the government will collapse following the mine coming in, but before the next tax collection time. Tax is not to be taken out of the Lord's values.

Let that sink in for a minute. No federal government includes no more IRS, exciting I know, but this will be a dark time in our nation. Perhaps the chaos caused by the election, no matter who wins, will be the start of what eventually leads to the government collapsing?

Some of you may have read the 1895 vision had by Newman Bulkley, a LDS patriarch from Springville, Utah. He too describes something awful that will happen to congress in the future:

Next I saw a whirlwind commence in the center of the house of representatives which increased until it frightened all the members out of the house. They scattered to various parts of the United States, and the inhabitants of the city of Washington, D. C. became frightened and scattered until the city became almost desolated. Then I saw a great tumult commence all over the United States, which ended in a great deal of blood being shed.

In the 1930's, a Quorum of the Seventy member named Alma D. Erickson, was also shown vivid details of the government's future in a prophetic vision he received:

Then I see the U.S. flag with all its bright colors in the northwestern sky; and then it disappears and another flag appears in its stead, which is plain and without colors; but made up of many different parts. And the meaning of it is made clear, that the people of the U.S. will disagree and divide up and split up, forming many separate organizations, until the central government is completely overthrown, and the nation is in civil chaos--without civil administration or leadership.

Apparently, the federal government doesn't stay collapsed forever. For Newman describes below what will happen next, which aligns with what Bishop Koyle was also shown by the Lord: a 100,000-man army will come to Utah to attempt to take over the Relief Mine:

Then the government of the United States patched up their difficulty and elected a new congress which assembled to do business. The crusade still continued against the Latter Day Saints. Our enemies attributed all their troubles to the saints, and crusaders raised such a howl and sent forth their petitions to congress so that the first business they did was to order 100,000 of the best and most able bodied men that could be found to come against us.

These visionary and godly men: Bishop Koyle, Newman Bulkley, Alma D. Erickson were all shown by the Lord, decades ago, that our government will collapse. And it looks like we're getting close to that happening, now that congress is preparing for a "mass casualty" event around the election.

As I mentioned in a recent post about the coming civil war, the "powers that be" like to use predictive programming to tell the sheeple what is coming. Predictive Programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.

Check out this short clip from the show, "Designated Survivor". In the background you'll hear a TV news anchor say, "some kind of explosion in or around the capital building". Is this show portraying a future event that visionaries like Koyle were shown? Will it include the prophesied death of a US president? Only time will tell.

(4 minutes)

Or how about this other example of an explosion going off at the capital building? It's a segment from the movie, "White House Down", which was released in 2013.

(2 minutes)

Now as the 2024 election approaches, Congress is pushing forward a proposed 28th amendment to the constitution. They say they are prepping for a mass casualty event in Washington DC, specifically the death of over 100 members of congress. They are calling it the continuity of government amendment, and it would not require a new election to replace the lost members of congress. What could go wrong? This sounds insane because it is. Clayton Morris does a good job of explaining the details in this short video:

(12 minutes)

Here is another article showing that the future doesn't look bright for Americans.

EXECUTION SQUADS: Update to DoD Directive Expands Military Authority To Use Lethal Force Against Americans | SHTF Plan
With the election only a few weeks away, the Department of Defense (DoD) has given the U.S. military authority to assist in domestic law enforcement, including giving them the right to use lethal force against American citizens under certain circumstances. It’s a development that has largely gone under the radar despite its very significant implications.

Like other posts on this blog, the purpose here is to keep you informed with what the future holds, based on the dreams of visionaries, and how they relate to current news headlines. Vindication of the Relief Mine draws closer with each passing day. Stay positive and hold on tight!

Some questions to ponder:

  1. What are your thoughts on Congress trying to change how members are replaced after a catastrophe?
  2. Will this conflicted election, along with the devaluation of the US dollar as prophesied by Joseph Smith, soon lead to the next civil war?
  3. Are you considering the possibility of relocating to White City, which will be built around the Relief Mine in Salem, UT, or to other places of refuge that will be designated by the Lord?

Leave your comments below.

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Remember, Bishop Koyle told believers that owning 100 shares would be sufficient to care for any man's family. But, if a man had more than 100, he would be in a better position to assist his fellow men during the times of financial trouble and famine.