My Dream Of A Future Time, Fleeing from Texas to Utah
I have a college degree in Criminal Justice from Trinity University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I also attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. After serving a two-year LDS Church mission in Northern California, I served in the military intelligence branch the U.S. Army in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. Then I joined the County Sheriff's Department in Texas where I live and retired in 1989. I am married and have nine children.
On Tuesday, April 5, 2005 while traveling home from the Houston, Texas temple with my wife, my sister and her husband we were discussing events from the book There Is No Death, by Sarah Menet. (Prior to this time I had never heard of Sarah Menet or Roger K. Young.) When my brother-in-law mentioned about a convoy of large semi trucks traveling westward at the time we are called to the safety of the mountains, my dream returned clearly to me and I then related the dream to them. Up to this time I had not told anyone about the dream.
I have believed for some time the many stories told by members and our church leaders who have warned us that the time would come that we as members of the church would be asked to live the United Order and be called by our church leaders to flee to the safety of the mountains in the west. I have believed this to be Utah and the surrounding inter mountains for protection against outlaw elements and a breakdown of our civil government prior to the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. The dream came as no real surprise to me, but I just decided to keep the dream to myself... until now.
My dream of a future event occurred in the summer of 1988 at my home. For three nights in a row, the dream continued and each night I would pick up where the dream left off the night before. At the time I was serving in the Bishopric of the Vidor Ward, Orange, Texas Stake.
My dream
I, along with several others, were called to attend a special meeting with the Stake President and the High Council of our stake. Upon arrival at the Stake Center, I noticed those called to attend included Bishops, their councilors, doctors in our stake and those like me who had prior military experience and/or police experience or both, as was my case.
I do not recall the names of the Stake President or the various Bishops, doctors or others that I care to name at this time, but the meeting was about the current breakdown of law and order and the coming troubles facing our nation. Things were bad for our nation at this time both inside and outside with war raging throughout the world, but war had yet to come to our shores.
The feeling I had in this dream was it was just a matter of time. The Stake President said that orders had come from Salt Lake City that it was now time for us in our stake to take in members from Louisiana who had been gathering in and around Lake Charles. He said we were to open our homes to the members and help them. As soon as we gathered all we could from Louisiana to safety in Vidor, we would travel as a group to a gathering place near Woodville, Texas and meet with the Beaumont, Texas Stake.
We were going to organize into units as in the old days; families of ten, then one hundred, then one thousand. The Bishops would be organizing the tens and hundreds, but the larger numbers would be by Stake Presidents. This order was not only for us in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
I understood that Houston, Texas was organizing and Saints from the eastern parts of the country was fleeing west in large groups, mainly for protection in numbers. My part in all this was to be part of the security force that was being organized. We were to organize units as a military security force to protect our movements.
The dream continued...
I saw a large tent city at my brother's ranch south of Evadale, Texas at Wiess Bluff. I saw a smaller one at my old home place where my sister lives and one at my other sister's land. I also saw other groups camping in and around North Vidor. I saw later that we were ordered to move from these camps to the Woodville, Texas area.
Much distrust came from outsiders. I remember clearly that Orange, Texas was rather hostile to the Mormons and we did not attempt to set up any camps there. Vidor was more tolerant, Evadale was somewhat hostile toward us, but our strength in numbers prevented them from attacking us.
I helped negotiate a peace treaty with the leaders of the people of Evadale to allow us to cross the Neches River Bridge without interference. I saw thousands of campfires surrounding Lake Tejas near Woodville, as this was one of our camps where we met up with the Beaumont, Texas Stake.
There was not yet a total breakdown of law and order so we received some help from law enforcement in our movements and campsites. Shortly thereafter, we moved as a group by trucks, cars, buses and some semi trucks northwest. Near Gatesville, Texas at the site of a military fort called North Fort Hood, we met some regular army people or National Guardsmen who were stationed there.
They asked us to accept several army tanks as they feared these tanks would eventually fall into the wrong hands or be taken by force by several outlaw gangs. They were about to abandon the fort and therefore wanted the tanks to go to Utah where there was still law and order and some official acting government of the United States who would be restoring order to the nation.
Several of the soldiers joined our group because they had nowhere else to go. The army provided us with large semi-tractor trailer vehicles to load and move the tanks. Many other vehicles were provided, including large gasoline tankers along with fuel, weapons and food. Before this time, we had to scrounge around for gas and supplies and sometimes negotiate with money for needed items.
It seemed the whole world was falling apart, especially Europe except for England. Wars were everywhere and the United States had committed troops everywhere, but since the federal government had declared national martial law, had federalized most of state and local law enforcement and suspended the courts, many people began resisting. Our armies overseas were being recalled to help restore order, but many upon return had just simply refused orders or deserted.
I recall now that my dream showed several large cities in a state of rebellion with mob rule and large gangs, private armies or volunteer armies all fighting for control with the federal government unable to do much to restore law and order. The cities I remember were Los Angeles, St. Louis, Washington D. C. and New York City. San Francisco, Seattle and Denver at the time of our travel were just about in the hands of the outlaw mobs.
All civil rules had vanished. Troops had withdrawn from the cities. There were other cities, but I don't remember if they were in total disarray at this time or if that happened after we all got to Utah. I do recall that things got so bad in Washington D.C. that the government along with the President had flee to safety.
By this time it was no big secret that the Mormons and their friends were fleeing to the Rocky Mountains for safety. From Fort Hood we headed northwest, but we were not to go by way of Denver, Colorado, as that city was already too dangerous for anyone to travel through. Those fleeing to Utah were advised to go around Colorado. We traveled slowly through New Mexico being careful to negotiate our way through the towns and cities.
I do not remember much about Albuquerque, but Gallup, New Mexico, Ship Rock, New Mexico, Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah were trouble zones. Somewhere in one of the trouble zones we had a major battle against a large hostile force that attempted to ambush us. We off-loaded several tanks and easily defeated this force. Also in the trouble zone, armed groups stopped them to get food and also wanted their women. Our response was, "We'll give you bullets (shoot you), but not our women!"
Along the long route, many others joined us, mostly non-members. Traveling near us, but not directly with us were two other large groups of members, one from East Texas and the other either from Houston or Austin, Texas. We were in contact with them. Near Green River, Utah we met large church security units from within Utah who were there defending the way west into Utah and Price Canyon.
I was surprised to meet my son in the Price area where he commanded a company-sized unit, all well-armed. He had been very worried about us and especially his mother and sisters. He said we could come to his place and be with him and my wife's two sisters.
(At this time of my dream, my son was still in high school and living at home. Later he served a full-time mission for the church in Italy, then spent four years at BYU. Later he married a girl from Utah and currently lives there.)
We were then escorted through Price Canyon. Along the way I saw many defensive positions. At Soldier's Summit I saw a huge military camp with tanks, artillery, helicopters and anti-aircraft guns. Here we turned over our tanks and some of the single men and soldiers in our group for re- assignment. It seemed to me that nobody passed Green River without permission.
Once into Spanish Fork, Utah, most of the people were sent to camps already prepared. Some were out near Nephi, Delta and west of Utah Lake. I was to understand that many camps were located through Utah and many were already full of Saints from overseas. My family went directly to my son's home. Then I remember with much pain that one or more of my children had not yet arrived to the safety of the Rocky Mountains. My dear wife suffered much until they eventually arrived safely.
After most of the church had gathered into the safety of the Rockies, the rest of the world began to really fall apart (this is confirmed in the Cardston Temple Vision). Many who had not traveled to the Rockies the first time attempted to come, but found the way blocked by outlaw gangs or of thugs who preyed heavily upon them. There were few who made it. The whole world including the United States was at war to the like the world had never seen. There was no true safety or law and order in America.
I remember later a large hostile army that came from California by way of Reno, Nevada to fight us, but after a year of hard fighting, they retreated back to California. At about this same time another larger army came from Denver, Colorado, but after a short time and with very heavy loses on their side, trying to force their way into Price Canyon, they retreated back to Denver. My dream finally ended with a general sense of peace and safety as the rest of the world continued to war.
Questions & Answers
Since recording my dream and having several people read it, a few simple questions or concerns have been expressed. I believe this is a good place to answer them.
When do you see this happening?
The year of the event is not known, but it was sometime in the near future. The gathering had already begun before our trip west. It had started prior to the world war and members began coming quietly from overseas to Utah. Many from the west coast were already in camps in Utah. The borders of America were open because it seemed to me the Border Patrol was less effective at this time and later was called upon to help with riot control in the major cities.
The gathering in Southwest Louisiana had been quietly going on for several months. The move from Lake Charles, Louisiana, took only a week. The collected Saints came not only from Louisiana, but some had already come from places such as Mississippi, Florida and Georgia. In Vidor, Texas, they remained about two months or less before the general move to the Woodville, Texas area.
We remained in that area for about a month or less. The trip from Woodville to Utah lasted about two or three weeks. Vehicles broke down on the way. Some that could not be quickly repaired were abandoned on the side of the roads. The Captains of ten and one hundreds were responsible to see that the families and or supplies were transferred to other vehicles in their group. A lot of baggage was left behind. Many had over packed and found themselves arriving in the mountains with just the clothes on their backs.
The attacks on Utah from California and Colorado came some time after our arrival, maybe a year or less. The war with California lasted more than a year, but the attack from Colorado lasted less than six months. Both attacks came at about the same time, but were not coordinated by our enemies.
How many members go along with this?
I was never really sure on the numbers, but it seemed to me there were about two thousand from the Lake Charles area and less than a thousand from our stake. Sadly, less than half of our Ward would go. Many had too many other worries and said it wasn't bad enough yet and they'd come later... maybe. These are the ones who tried to come later and who suffered the cruelty inflected upon them by gangs and mob law. This was happening throughout the country with the gathering. As one looks now at numbers less than 40% of Wards today are considered active. Less than half that number hold temple recommends or pay their tithing and offerings. I fear only the faithful will answer the call to move west.
How does government collapse?
I did not see a total breakdown of the government for the entire nation. We flew the current American flag, as did other groups outside the Church and who still believed in freedom and America, but they were disorganized and many misguided in their various causes. Many cities and states fell apart as rebellion and riots with mob rule, continued to grow. Simply put, I saw the cities and state police, now under federal control, could not stand up to so much crime and disorder. Even with the help of the Army and National Guard, many cites were lost to the mobs.
It seemed to me that when the government suspended rights and the courts, imposed martial law throughout the land, then forced food and gasoline rations and imposed other oppressive means, some unlawful, the people got fed up with it, and the riots and rebellion started.
Local taxes and the Federal income taxes were not paid (as Bishop Koyle was shown) and with the failure of banks, the stock market unable to operate, along with very high oil prices and limited food, it was a general breakdown of control.
Banks and stores were robed with local officials and judges murdered. Even with the military recalled home, many soldiers wouldn't fire upon fellow Americans. The Church warned the Saints to obey the law, but a few hot heads didn't listen. I saw even Salt Lake City faced with unrest. But I did see that by the time we arrived in Utah Valley, Salt Lake City and the rest of the State had effective law and order.
What about the banking system?
At the time of our move to Utah, most banks had failed. The stock market was unable to operate in New York City. Money was still around, but a lot of people didn't trust it. We used money to bribe some of the people to allow us to pass safely through their towns. Since we were under the United Order, most of our cash money went to the Bishop to use as he saw fit. Still many gangs and mobs lusted for money and gain. They would kill even for money that was soon to be worthless.
How does this fit with WWIII?
I'm not sure how the world war started, but it had to do with oil in the Middle East and Israel. European nations, facing no oil, got involved. About this same time Russia was on a course to regain their past glory and clashed with just about everyone. Meanwhile, war had begun between India and Pakistan. Iran had stirred up trouble in the Middle East and had something to do with starting the war with Israel, but I'm not sure how. All I remember is that war was everywhere in the world.
Do the Elders get called home?
I did not recall any full time missionaries serving in the United States or anywhere else in the world at the time of our movement. I believe missionaries had already been to Israel, but had been recalled because of the war. This I'm not sure of. I think there was some missionary work still going on in Mexico and in South America. They were not from the United States, but were local Elders from the various countries. There was no missionary work going on in North America.
Then the question about Mexico, Central America and South America. What was happening there? I'm not sure, except there was no mad rush for them to go to Utah, but there was some, mainly from Northern Mexico, Arizona, Texas and California. I just didn't see what happened there. War came to them I know. I saw Spanish American people fighting for the Church in the California war, so apparently some came to Utah.
What role do the American Indians play?
I saw that at first they were very suspicious of everyone and especially the federal government, but I did see that they came in mass to the aid of the Church because many were already members and they saw the Saints treat them fairly. This happened at the time of the attacks on Utah.
Today a lot of my dream makes more sense to me, but at the time it was confusing, though as I said before, I already accepted the general facts of what may be or more likely will happen unless this nation repents... which isn't likely to happen as we continue to sink deeper into the coming events spoken by our leaders about the very last days.
I have always hoped to have passed on before all this comes about, but I now see my lovely children and grandchildren who will have to face all of this... I think I'd rather be with them through all this and try to help and save them.
Dreams are like warnings to us or a way to give information. The dream was about me and my family. I take it as such. I do not speak for the Church, but for myself and to some degree, my family. Sometimes we can change things or make it a little better.
I believe it's a warning to prepare, stock up the year's supply, stay temple worthy and teach your family the truth. We can't change a lot of things that will happen to this world, but we can make a difference upon ourselves and our families. We can be prepared. I say to all who read my dream to be prepared like the five wise virgins were when the bridegroom came. Hope to see you in the Rockies when the time comes. I'll be there... will you?
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