What are we waiting for?
Bishop Koyle prophesied that after his death the Lord would send messengers to direct the miners, but that these messengers would be disguised. Later, when it was time for the Relief Mine to be vindicated, at the time of the economic collapse, these same messengers would return revealing their true identity as servants of the Lord.
There is good evidence to suggest that Al Sinclair, who came to oversee the Mine in 1950, is the same translated Nephite who will return to start up the Mine at the appropriate time. If you haven't read it yet, then you may be intrigued by the Arnold Shreeve Vision, and The Return of Alma the Younger, which are both about Al Sinclair, who is a messenger of the Lord and otherwise known as Alma the Younger.
Can a man be a prophet but not president of the Church?
"Perhaps it may make some of you stumble , were I to ask you a question, does a man being a Prophet in this church prove that he shall be the President of it? I answer no! A man may be a prophet, seer, and revelator, and it may have nothing to do with his being the President of the church. (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 1:333)
Have any of the prophecies been exaggerated?
John Koyle was told by the Lord to never write anything down. As a result, much of what he said privately and publicly was recorded from 2nd, or 3rd hand accounts.
We are grateful to Norman Pierce for writing his book, "The Dream Mine Story" decades ago, as it helped publicize Bishop Koyle's life and mission. Unfortunately, because he desperately wanted to see the Mine be vindicated in his lifetime, he revised his book a few times, changing some details to fit his understanding of current events. These changes were mainly about the year the Mine would start up again. Therefore, one must study and pray for discernment to know when the time is getting close.
Ogden Kraut was another author who wrote about the Relief Mine, but didn't make changes to fit his paradigm. His books can be read online or purchased at OgdenKraut.com
Why is it called the Dream Mine and Relief Mine?
Some people call it the Dream Mine because it was through divinely inspired dreams that Bishop Koyle was shown this great last days project the Lord wanted him to work on. It's also referred to as the Relief Mine, because it will provide relief in the form of gold and wheat when the economic collapse and famine occur.
Was Bishop Koyle excommunicated?
On January 7, 1947, Bishop Koyle was summoned to a LDS Church trial. He appeared before his stake president and the high council of his stake in a formal Church court proceeding.
According to the few accounts which are available, the proceedings in some respects, composed a scene of questionable justice. In a secular court the accused normally has the advantage of a non-partisan judge and jury. As occasioned here, however, this was not the case. Practically everyone present was well versed in the history of the mine in addition to being intimately acquainted with its aged prophet. Partisan feelings for and against the old man were such that emotions might well have replaced facts as a basis for judgment. (Historical Study of the Koyle Relief Mine, Christianson, p. 54)
The court proceedings had all been pre-arranged. An unmerciful decree had been written for this special occasion. The Bishop was ordered to sign this typed statement or else lose his membership in the Church. The Bishop repeatedly bore testimony of the reality of the numerous spiritual experiences that he had and the complete fulfillment of the promises that had been made to him by the Lord. He desperately sought to stay the decision of the court by requesting a hearing with the President of the Church--just as he had done in 1913. However, they said that such a procedure was not according to the rules of the court; therefore, his request was denied. Like criminal lawyers who badger a client into a breakdown, Bishop Koyle was continually threatened with excommunication if he did not sign the paper. This was the same old procedure of the Catholics who, during the Dark Ages, forced signatures from the "heretics" who chose to disagree with the Pope. There seemed to be no way out for him--it was sign a lie or be classed as an excommunicated apostate. At this moment he was in a complete state of quandary. Under the pressure of such unwarranted bombardment, the poor man broke down and wept. The ultimatum was a most consequential form of mandate--both choices were bitter to his soul.
From nearly 7 o'clock that evening until midnight he was pressured to "sign" that document. Finally he spoke up and said, "You are forcing me to sign a lie." Raymond Taylor, one of the high councilmen, told him that if he would sign it, then they could get the interview with the President of the Church.
He John Koyle was getting old now, in his 84th year; for a long, long time his health had been failing badly, and even now he had been on a sick bed for several days. The years had taken their toil of his strength and vigor, filled as they had been with so much trouble and persecution, and now most of the fight was gone out of him. He knew that his days on earth were about over, and for the few that might be left to him, he did so want to cling to his membership in the Church--the Church for which he had been a missionary and a bishop--a membership which so many LDS believed was essential to salvation. (The Dream Mine Story, Pierce, p. 93)
The Bishop was told, and knew, that if he did not sign that document, he would be excommunicated, and then others who were associated with him would be excommunicated also. What he didn't know was that they would excommunicate him and others like him anyway.
One of his close associates begged him saying, "For heaven's sake, Bishop, don't let them take away your membership." He was expressing fear for both himself and for other stockholders. None of them thought that they would be brought to this final test--the truth or their membership in the Church! They didn't think the leaders of the Church would go that far in this issue. Koyle looked at the paper and then made one more request. If he signed it, would they agree not to make it public until after he had a chance to present his case to the head of the Church. The request was acceptable and agreed upon.
Then John H. Koyle, sick and weakened, with the fight gone out of him, and his two closest friends urging him on, did that which his Nephite mentors, long ago in 1914, had warned him not ever to do. He signed this bold-faced lie and cleverly conceived repudiation to save his friends and himself from the Church axe, which was hanging over them ready to drop if he did not sign. Herein was the full significance of the Nephite warning to him that he should never write anything, nor sign any written statement about the mine. To that warning he had always tried to be strictly obedient--not even so much as writing a personal letter to anybody, and what is more unfortunate, not putting his wonderful experiences in his own writing. . . . (The Dream Mine Story, Pierce, p. 94)
After the document had been signed and they went to the home of Quayle Dixon, the Bishop was weeping and sobbing like a child. He bore the consequence of a concession just as the Prophet Joseph did when he gave the Book of Mormon manuscript to Martin Harris. (See D & C. Section 10.) It was merely an expression of human weakness, but it was a spiritual catastrophe. As Moses, who in a moment of weakness took honor from the Lord, lost his chance to visit the Promised Land, so by the stroke of a pen the Bishop took honor away from the Lord for the mine. He would not live to see the promised ore.
The statement was an explosive shock wave to the Dream Miners. However, everyone soon knew that he had signed it merely as a means to retain his membership in the Church.
The men responsible for Koyle's trial did not keep their promises. First, they published that document without his consent and against their own word that they would not do such a thing. Second, they excommunicated him after they promised him that they would not if he signed that statement. Third, they never made the promised arrangements for Koyle to have an interview with the Church President. And fourth, they continued to harass, threaten and excommunicate stockholders of the mine.
Quayle Dixon and Wallace Strong signed the declaration as witnesses. All three names appeared on the front page of the Deseret News in full size reproduction of the declaration with their signatures as they were signed on that document. (See following article.)
It was an agreement with hell and he suffered the pains of hell. He suffered more and grieved more because of his signature on that document than for any other sin of his life.
Because the General Authorities had consummated their cleverly conceived placard, the Bishop realized that he had been exploited and betrayed. The full impact of what he had done by signing that directive was now clear to him. Under coercion and threats, he had put his trust in the arm of flesh--the General Authorities--and now he suffered the curse. Remorse and regret are the consequences of sin, and now came the Godly sorrow that only repentant sinners know. His grief nearly brought, him to death.
In that state of agony to the soul, his departed wife came to him in a dream to impress him with the necessary will to continue with his life and mission. She concurred that the signing of that document was wrong, that it was a satanicly inspired testament, but that they on the other side realized and understood the pressures that had been brought upon the Bishop. Centuries of history have been filled with these evil and coercive pressures and the influences that work upon men to use them. The whole picture became clear to his mind and he knew now why the messengers had warned him not to sign anything. The Bishop repented as best as he knew how. He always referred to that incident as the "worst thing I ever did in my life."
The book, "Relief Mine I", can be purchased at OgdenKraut.com
How can I purchase stock?
You can upgrade your account on this website so that you can access the list of buyers and sellers. This will include contact information so you can reach out. This buyer / seller page also provides the proof of identity form that every buyer needs to download, print, fill out, sign, and have notarized.
The Relief Mine does not sell stock, nor does it set the price per share. After a buyer and seller agree on a price, the mine secretary will take the buyer's proof of identity form, and then issue a new stock certificate in their name.
Use the Contact page for contacting the mine office in Salem, UT when you're ready to make the transaction official.
Should I sell the stock that I inherited?
Let's let Bishop Koyle answer this one. Here is a quote from meeting minutes taken on February 7, 1946:
"People haven't been turning in nearly so much stock as they have in the past years. I hope this keeps up and that we can't buy people's stock for love nor money. It won't be long until there won't be any stock to sell. The stock will be worth a lot of money and you can't buy any more. When the people can't buy it, there will be a sad gloomy feeling around this valley. I hope you won't sell your stock for love nor money. The stock is too precious. I hope and pray with all the faith that I can muster that you'll hang tighter than you have ever done. Keep it locked up in your safe and don't let anyone buy it from you for love nor money."
Should I buy gold and silver coins now?
Yes. The prophecies indicate that the dollar may be devalued in stages, making it increasingly difficult to buy the things you need. At the same time, the value of gold and silver will rise. So it will be important to have at least some precious metals on hand, to tide you over until the Relief Mine goes into production. Visit the Links page to see a list of trusted vendors of gold and silver. Curious as to how and when the Mine will start up? Check out Arnold Shreeve's Daytime Vision of the Mine coming in.
Is there any wealth left in this Nephite gold mine?
Yes, treasures of both gold and ancient records are still in this ancient mine. Many people ask why the mine has not yet produced any ore in our modern day. This same question was asked of Bishop Koyle by Austin Fife, who wrote:
"If you ventured the question which you thought would be the most embarrassing to him—How do you explain the fact that although you have dug for forty years, the mine has not yet produced a single ounce of pay dirt? —you were surprised by an answer that betrayed neither embarrassment nor lack of hope. The mine is to produce only when the financial structure of the world is about to collapse. It will begin to produce just in time to save the saints from the economic ruin that will wreck the world." (Saints of Sage and Saddle, Fife, pp.283-84)
But regardless of presumptions, Brigham Young once explained about the resources of the earth:
"These treasures that are in the earth are carefully watched. They can be removed from place to place according to the good pleasure of Him who made them and owns them. He has his messengers at his service, and it is just as easy for an angel to remove the minerals from any part of one of these mountains to another, as it is for you and me to walk up and down this hall. This, however, is not understood by the Christian world, nor by us as a people. There were a great many treasures hid up by the Nephites.
People do not know it, but I know there is a seal set upon these treasures of earth; men are allowed to go so far and no farther. I have known places where there were treasures in abundance; but could men get them? No." (Journal of Discourses 19:37, 39)
Can I attend the yearly stockholder meeting?
Yes, anyone can attend the annual stockholder meeting which is held the second Monday in May at 2PM. In the past they were held in Spanish Fork at the Veteran's building. Recently a change was made to hold them at the Community Center in Salem. Come early for a good seat, and available parking is limited.
Where is the Relief Mine located?
The mine is located on the base of the mountain, east of Salem, UT. Aerial images of the mountain can be seen using Google Earth.
The address for the office is 1018 E 9600 S, Salem, UT. Any written correspondence should be sent to:
Relief Mine
PO Box 378
Salem, UT 84653
How can I contact Mine officials?
Linda, the Relief Mine secretary, can be reached at 801-423-1492. She is usually in the office on Saturday mornings. Please leave a voice message if no one is available to take your call. Visit the contact page for other details.
Has the Lord ever inspired men to dig for gold?
Yes. In 1896, two years after the first messenger visited John Koyle, Jesse Knight filed a mining claim stating to a friend that he was shown in a dream that he would find a great store of ore. The friend replied, "Humbug!" So that's what Jesse later named one of the richest mines in the Eureka, Utah area.
"In a dream, or vision, there was revealed to Jesse that Utah was for the Mormons; that the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints were true; that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God; also, if he went to a certain place (indeliby imprinted on his mind), that he would find a great vein of rich mineral--a mine.
He followed the instructions given him in his dream, which took him to the now well-known Eureka Mining District. Then, way up on the mountain, he found the spot he had seen in his dream, and he uncovered the vein which led to a vast mineral body. (Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p. 8)
But one day Jesse announced to the surprise of his son:
"Will, I want to tell you something. We are going to have all the money we want, as soon as we are in a position to handle it properly. We will also some day save the credit of the Church." (Towns of Tintic, p.160)
"It was this way in mine after mine with Jesse repeating the performance and pointing the way. Time after time, he pointed to a black wall that showed nothing and said it contained ore. It is a story that cannot be equalled in the history of ming. In Tintic, Jesse Knight was known as, "The Mormon Wizard" (Ibid, p.162)
Money piled up in the banks as Jesse uncovered deposit after deposit of silver and lead. His fortune was dedicated to a church, and according to his own prediction, he saved the credit of the Mormon Church. He donated enough money to wipe out over a million dollars of church debts. Then, almost single-handed, he financed the beginning of the Brigham Young University.
What will the gold treasure be used for?
- Establish a food storage program similar to what Joseph of Egypt did. In the coming days of famine, thousands of people will be in need of food. The stair-step style grain bin, built in the future by the Relief Mine, will be right on the mountain and hold one million bushels of wheat. According to Bishop Koyle, the grain silos at Welfare Square in Salt Lake will be empty at the time they're needed most.
- Low interest loans will be given to people to help them save their homes, farms and businesses as the banking system collapses.
- Means will be provided to establish people in the United Order.
- Additional ancient Nephite records will be recovered and translated which are inside the nine caverns.
- Some of the gold will be used to beautify and adorn the temple in the New Jerusalem, which will be located in Jackson County, Missouri.
- Several large cities of refuge will be financed and built that will offer protection from the violence of the coming civil war. You can get a glimpse of how massive these places of refuge will be by skimming the highlighted portions of the Articles of Incorporation, which were included under the inspired mind of Al Sinclair, also known as Alma the Younger in the Book of Mormon.
- The gold coins will be the Lord's solution for the coming "mark of the beast" digital financial system that will soon be forced on the people of the world. The Bible warns, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13: 16-17)
Have others found gold before the time was right?
William Neeley once found a ledge of gold and showed a sample to Brigham Young, but Brigham said to him, "You're not the man and this isn't the time." He then said that it would be hid up until a future time when the saints would need it. Neeley never found the mine again.
Elder Croslin, an English convert, discovered a ledge of gold near Tooele, but Brigham Young told him, "Digging gold would frustrate the plans of the Church. We could dig tons of gold and line the streets with it," he told Croslin, "but it would not feed a single hungry Mormon. We need to grow grains to feed ourselves and others to come, and raise sheep for wool for our clothing, but we don't need gold. Perhaps sometime in the future the time may come when we need it but that time is now now." (Western Treasures, Aug. 1968, p. 21)
How can I participate in the service projects?
Until the Relief Mine starts back up, service projects include helping in the peach orchard, clearing vegetation to prevent fires, unblocking water lines that come out of the multiple springs, etc.
When projects and volunteers are needed, an email is sent out with the details. All we ask is that you respond to these emails, if you can attend, so that we have a rough idea of how many people to expect. To get on this separate email list, which is maintained by Russ Hatch, contact him using rghatch@yahoo.com.
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There is a lot of content that is free to access without an account. Creating a free account allows you to be notified by email once new blog posts are published. You also get to participate in this community of like minded believers by posting your own comments.
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It is becoming increasingly popular and accepted to use "magic links" or passwordless login methods, where websites email you a link to log in. This approach offers several advantages:
- User Convenience: Magic links simplify the login process by eliminating the need for users to remember or type passwords, which improves the user experience.
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Yes, you can stay informed with how current news headlines relate to Bishop Koyle's prophecies by following @index@reliefmine.com