A new video has recently been uploaded to the Alexander X YouTube channel. It has some amazing drone footage and photos that I've never seen before. It also gives a good background on Bishop Koyle and his divinely inspired mine, which was worked anciently by the Nephites.
Quoting from Alexander:
Today I will be exploring the history of an elusive mine that has captivated the imaginations of many for over a century. This is the Dream Mine of Utah, sometimes referred to as the Relief Mine. A mine created after one man's spiritual vision promised him riches beneath the ground. Join me as I explore the mystery hidden within these hills.
(7 minutes long)
The Relief Mine is prophesied to be the largest gold mine in the world. Have you purchased at least 100 shares of stock yet? Bishop Koyle said this is all a family would need to get through the tribulation. Any more than this could be used to help others.
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