Here are some websites that you may want to check out. Let us know if you have a link that would beneficial to other readers.
Minting & Mining
OZ Mint – Precious Metals Minting, 1 oz Silver Rounds, Gold

Denver Mint | U.S. Mint
The U.S. Mint at Denver produces circulating coins, commemorative coins, and uncirculated coin sets. Learn more about this facility.

ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal, published monthly since 1931
ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to gold, silver and precious metals. Covers mining, prospecting, suction dredging, metal detecting, geology, ore deposits, regulation, equipment, extraction, assaying, history and more.

The Great Depression
The Story of the Great Depression in Photos
This collection of pictures of the Great Depression offers a glimpse into the lives of Americans who suffered through it.
The History Of The Stock Market | Abel Commercial Funding
The Stock Market has become almost ubiquitous to our society – both as a driving force and a reflection of how well thing are going in our global economy.

Emergency Preparedness
The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times

Provident Living
An official Church site providing information relating to self-reliance and welfare, including food storage, emergency preparedness, education, employment, resources,

Essential Oil & Aromatherapy Testimonials
Essential oils contain healing properties. Discover how people use them on a daily basis to achieve health and well being.

Health Ranger Store - Healing The World Through Clean Food
We offer clean and laboratory verified nutritional supplements, organic superfoods, organic storable foods and preparedness items.

Eight Residences at Strategic Place of Refuge on 64 Acres -
Eight Residences, with infrastructure for more at STRATEGIC PLACE OF REFUGE Where will you go when it gets ugly in the city? Because it will get ugly! You will need a safe-haven property. No need to search further, this is the ideal prepper/survival retreat-property to securely raise a family or retire. This special property is […]

The Economic Collapse
Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

FDIC: Failed Bank List
Look up information on failed banks, including how your accounts and loans are affected and how vendors can file claims against receivership.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Leading Companies Filing for Bankruptcy- 2024 | Intellizence
Get timely intelligence & data about leading companies filing for bankruptcy, insolvency, & liquidation. Subscribe to Intellizence & monitor adverse /negative news.