Second Great Rebellion or Chicago Prophecy
A. Milton Musser papers
LDS Church Archives
This was a letter from Nephi Packard to A. Milton Musser on July 24, 1896:
"... My brother, Noah Packard, says that he heard the Prophet Joseph say that the next great (U.S. civil) war after the war of the rebellion (the Civil War of the 1860's between the North and the South) would commence in a little town now called Chicago, but at that time it would have grown to be a very large city.
And another brother told me that the Prophet said that the cause of the next great trouble of the United States would be the depreciation of the currency of the United States. I believe I have given you all the facts in as short and concise manner as possible."
Another quote regarding the Civil War itself comes from an interview by Dr. Poulson with David Whitmer, printed in the Deseret News on Friday, August 16, 1878:
Question: When will the temple be built in Independence, Missouri?
Answer: Right after the great tribulation is over.
Question: What do you mean by that?
Answer: A civil war more bloody and cruel than the rebellion. It will be the smashing up of this nation, about which time the second great work has to be done, a work like Joseph did, and the translation of the sealed plates and peace all over.
We know that the "powers that be" like to tell the world what they are about to do. Perhaps they are dropping a hint with this movie that just came out!
(3 minutes long)
Are we getting close to the second civil war that Joseph Smith said will be due to the deprecation of the currency? Leave your comments below.