John Jordan was a believer in the Relief Mine, and complied a list of prophecies attributed to Bishop Koyle over the decades. His full list can be found in the book written by OgdenKraut. The following quote is #48 on that list:
Near the time of the end, many of the General Authorities will become quite old. Troubles will start when three leaders die in close proximity to one another. The new replacements will not be able to hold the Church together.
According to the most recent General Conference, held in April of 2024, the top leaders are in wheel chairs. We have never seen this exact scenario in church history.
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Are we getting near the "time of the end"? Will the three deaths be these men in wheel chairs or will it involve other aging members of the quorum of the twelve? Only time will tell.

And what did Bishop Koyle mean exactly when he said the replacements will not be able to hold the Mormon Church together? Is this around the time when the resurrected Joseph Smith will return to set the LDS Church in order?
Bishop Koyle was shown that when the Mine vindication came, a complete setting in order of the Church would be at hand. This, he said, was shown to him by the Prophet Joseph Smith himself, who clearly demonstrated to him that not one single general authority of the old order would be left, but that all would be removed, and that new ones called of God would replace them.
Now let's take a look at another quote from Norman Pierce's book, "The Dream Mine Story". This details what Joseph will do when he returns:
Bishop Koyle was shown that new and inspired leaders would be called by the mouth of the Prophet Joseph Smith himself, at a special general conference called for this very purpose. He saw that there would be three empty chairs on the stand in the tabernacle caused by recent deaths among the general authorities. The next man in seniority went to take the presiding chair when the Prophet Joseph prevented it, telling him that this chair was not for him. The Prophet Joseph then proceeded in turn to dismiss every one of the general authorities.
Bishop Koyle did not indicate if the three deaths would take place before the Relief Mine is vindicated as a signpost to watch for, or if they would take place shortly thereafter. What is your guess? Leave your comments below.