The following excerpts are taken from the revelations found in the Second Book of Commandments, which is the continuation of the revelations found in the Doctrine & Covenants. A copy of this book can be downloaded at Below you can read what the Lord has said about the Prophet John Koyle, and the Relief Mine in Salem, Utah.
Section 41
Revelation received June 2, 1979
54 And ye have asked Me where ye shall gather, and behold I say unto you, that I have chosen for a place of refuge even Salem Utah, yea even that city which My servant John Koyle saw even shall be built up; and all the land around about is sacred unto Me.
87 And all those that come unto Me and receive My word, ye shall recommend that they purchase shares in the mine, yea, even a minimum of 100 shares, for this is also My work; and the prophesies made concerning this mine shall all be fulfilled, for they are of Me saith the LORD.
88 And all who fight against this work shall be brought to naught.
89 And ye shall make haste in this also for the time will come when shares will no longer be available, and those who seek to purchase them will find them not.
Section 48
Revelation received October 13, 1979
46 And again My son, ye have asked Me concerning the Dream Mine which is located near Spanish Fork, Utah. And I say unto you at this time, show this revelation unto none other save that which I shall reveal unto you; for some of those who will step forward at this time will develop unbelief, and inasmuch as they repent not, shall be among the wicked.
47 Behold I say unto you, that the time is now short, even at the doors, for this Mine to be vindicated.
Section 59
Revelation received May 30, 1980
44 For I likened it unto the "Dream Mine", for it produced little or nothing in all the days of My servant John Koyle and hath yet produced nothing.
45 Yet My servant did as I commanded him, having faith unto the end in spite of all the persecution and ridicule he sustained on My behalf.
46 For in all, if all your efforts bringeth nothing yet I shall say, well done thou good and faithful servants.
47 Nevertheless, there shall be much gold and silver that shall come forth because of your efforts.
Section 70
Revelation received July 1981
19 For I did call My servant Joseph Smith, and through him I planted the seed of truth, and few were faithful in his generation.
20 And again I did call My servant John Koyle and the truth through him did cause some to repent, yet few did survive.
21 But I say unto you, I will plant again, yea even a small garden by the hand of My Servant whom I have chosen, but that which I now plant will I carefully weed and protect.
22 For I will surely separate them by a great sifting and setting in order, and it shall survive until I come to take it to Myself.
Section 71
Revelation received September 22, 1981
13 Behold, I have much more to say unto this people by way of instruction and doctrine, until they have all truth and stand before Me naked, or in other words, without excuse.
14 For now is the time for some of the prophecies made through the instrumentality of My servant John Koyle to come to pass.
15 For it is My will that the stockholders in this Mine known as the "Relief Mine", shall gather together and commence to instigate a financial institution based upon true principles, and not upon the precepts of men.
16 For until all things are one, such an institution is necessary to unite My people and prepare them to live the United Order after My holy Order, and unite themselves into one.
17 For those who are not one are not Mine.
18 And it is My will that man shall not charge for the use of his surplus monies, for such is usury and an abomination unto Me.
19 And all who will not come under this Order are in danger of being left in Babylon and of the burnings.
20 Behold, ye have asked Me how the bank will survive the coming calamities.
21 Behold I say unto you, it will survive only if you do what I say concerning the matter, and that only after a severe testing of your faith which will separate the wheat from the chaff, shall it be saved on this wise.
22 Each one who has placed their surplus monies and properties in these institutions and have entered into and taken unto them the covenants of My most Holy Order, behold, their money and values will be redeemable in gold as follows.
23 One ounce of gold for every $100.00 or value thereof that has been placed into the common fund, and for every Relief Mine share 10 ounces of gold.
24 This shall be done only as fast as the gold can be mined and minted.
25 Those who have entered into the covenants first shall be the first to be redeemed and those who have entered at a later date being the second to be redeemed, all in order according to their date of entry into the Order-- that all may be in accordance with My law which is just and equitable.
26 And no man shall consider their wealth their own, but shall make their surplus properties available to others entering the Order according to their worthiness and faithfulness and honesty.
27 For no dishonest man shall be allowed to borrow monies from the common fund, for such will but squander and waste these monies and be lost and bring Zion into jeopardy; and none shall profit thereby.
28 Howbeit, they can use what they must for their own needs and for their family or families.
29 Nevertheless, if they begin to covet their surplus monies and use it for the lifting up of their pride and self-indulgence they shall be expelled from the Order, for they have lost the Spirit and have become greedy and covetous.
30 And they shall be given that with which they entered, their properties and monies in common currency, but not the gold, for they entered the Order without the gold, therefore they shall leave without it, for it can be used only for the upbuilding of My Kingdom.
31 Yet I will reveal more concerning this matter, but ye have sufficient for the moment.
Section 72
Revelation received November 14, 1981
Thus saith the LORD unto His prophet. Behold, if they heed not My will through thee, I will release them and give their charge to others who will heed My voice.
2 For I say unto you, if I can release the heads of the Church, which I will surely do in Mine own due time, so also can I release the Board of Directors of the Relief Mine.
3 For will I not set My house in order beginning at the head?
4 For I will not release the riches of the earth to a people who are not organized according to My will.
5 For if I release these riches now, they will be but laid waste and destroyed.
6 For when I have a people prepared and living all My laws, then can I pour out My blessings upon them and not until.
7 For I say unto you, are men wiser than God?
8 Yet when they have a project to accomplish do they not gather together good men whom they can trust and organize them each one in his order and with his responsibilities so that the project be accomplished according to their wishes?
9 Behold, ye must gather together as I have commanded and set up the United Order among you.
10 And if ye heed not My will, I will find another people who will, for I will not cause My will to be mocked.
11 For if ye are ashamed of My servants, ye are ashamed of Me, and behold I will be ashamed of thee at the day of visitation. Even so, Amen.
Section 89
Revelation received January 25, 1983
Behold My son, I am Alpha and Omega, even the Beginning and the End, even the voice of Jehovah, for I speak unto thee with a still small voice and say unto you, I did give unto My servant Joseph Smith Jr. authority to set up the Church of Jesus Christ for the latter days on April 6, 1830– and this by My voice and by My authority and by My servant whom I did appoint according to My word, and it is Mine saith the LORD.
2 And all who rebel against it and esteem it as naught shall repent or be destroyed.
3 For they do ignore My word concerning it and if they mock it they mock Me and if they say, "It cannot be redeemed or cleansed", they do err in doctrine and judgment and are in need of repentance, for they ignore the prophets I have sent.
4 For did not I speak through My servant Joseph saying that I would cleanse it and restore it to its pure state?
5 For I knew that wicked men would pollute it.
6 But I will stretch forth Mine arm at the time appointed and shall cause it to be cleansed, for the vessel is yet sound, but the contents are putrid before My face.
7 And did I not speak unto My servant John Koyle in visions, and did I not send unto him My servant Joseph Smith and instruct him in the manner it would be cleansed?
8 Have I not instructed My Servant in the Parable of the Pear Tree that My Church will be cleansed, and the tree pruned and gouged and dunged and cultivated by those whom I will send?
9 And those wicked men who deceive all the nations shall be exposed before all men.
10 Behold I say unto you, these things shall surely happen and none shall stay My hand, for one shall surely do this as I have promised.
11 And all those who ridicule My Servant in this matter saying that this is an impossible thing, shall see their folly and be chastised.
12 For what I the LORD have set up, let no man tear asunder, for if I will that My church be established it shall be done, and if I will that My church be destroyed it shall be done, for the Church is Mine saith the LORD. Even so, Amen.
Section 98
Revelation received July 28, 1983
Behold I say unto you My son. It is imperative that all things be done in order, for if they are not done in such a manner, confusion reigneth and My work be thwarted.
2 Therefore it is correct that in every case the School be set up first, then a financial institution organized according to My pattern and then the United Order established that the people may unite and be as one.
3 And concerning the financial institution, ye shall call it by the name of My servant John Koyle, that his name and deeds again be known among the people.
4 And the financial institution shall not be for the lending of money for the foolish pleasures of the world, nor for the common everyday purchases, but for the purpose of establishing stewardships only.
5 Neither shall it be used to support vast holdings held by greedy and lustful men, for these institutions help not the purposes of Zion.
Section 115
Revelation received December 5 or 6, 1984
6 Concerning My servant William, ye shall offer to liquidate his debt to you in full by surrendering his shares, and this he shall do by notary public and disclaimer.
7 For I say unto you, one share shall be redeemable for $1,000 or 10 ounces of gold.
8 And a man shall labor for $1 per hour that for every 100 hours work he shall receive an ounce of gold.
9 And wheat shall be purchased for 50 cents per bushel or 200 bushels for an ounce of gold.
10 For this yet shall come to pass– according to My servant John Koyle.
Section 117
Revelation received January 6, 1985
My son; take the pen which ye have and write that which I shall speak unto you by the still small voice.
2 As your surroundings are not conducive to the receiving of Mine oracles, yea My Spirit will speak unto you that ye may receive an answer to thy questions.
3 Ye have asked concerning the more ancient inhabitants of this place, which place is Salem and the surrounding area, which I spoke of to My servant Joseph Smith in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, Section 111.
4 Behold I say unto you, the ancient inhabitants of this place are the Nephites and Lamanites who did inhabit this land at the time that is described in the Book of Mormon.
5 And they did hide up more than one treasure here; and if ye inquire diligently concerning their history, ye shall receive knowledge as to where these treasures are hidden.
6 Ye must also seek after My Spirit, which will also guide you, for ye will not find all that ye require in the history of this people.
7 Yea, and their history is contained in the Book of Mormon, wherein ye read the people did hide up their treasures because of the wars and contentions of the people; and many of these treasures remain and are still hidden up at this time.
Section 120
Revelation received April 29, 1985
My son, take the pen that ye have and write that which I shall say unto thee by the still small voice.
2 Ye have traveled all these miles at My request and ye reside among the evils of this day.
3 But I say unto you, all that ye see about you is Mine, saith the LORD; and all wickedness shall cease, for either all things brought forth shall abide My law, or be destroyed.
4 And I have called but none have heard, for as I called My servant Joseph Smith, I have called and set aside My servant John Koyle, and as I have called and set aside My servant John Koyle, also have I called and set aside thee.
5 Yet some say, "Ye need to be ordained to a higher Priesthood before ye begin to organize Zion."
6 Behold I say unto thee, what higher authority do ye require than to be called by My voice?
7 Nevertheless, ye were ordained to My Holy Priesthood by one having authority to do so (Nathan E. Tanner).
Section 130
Revelation received June 8, 1986
17 For I know the end from the beginning, and ye know not anything except it be given unto you by My Spirit; nevertheless, if ye continue to live according to My will, My Spirit will continually instruct thee in this gift that ye know the things that are necessary for ye to know when the time is at hand.
18 This gift I did give unto My servant John Koyle, for he did obey Me in all things that I commanded him.
Section 137
Revelation received April 1, 1987
18 For I gave unto My servant John Koyle the stewardship of the Mine in Salem and behold, he honored his stewardship, and did what I commanded him and has surely received his reward.
19 For I say unto you, that which one starts others may be called to complete.
Section 206
Revelation given January 9, 1999
19 And it is My will that ye shall send out the letter I have commanded to be written to the remainder of the leaders of the church, even the Seventies, and other General Authorities that have the signs of Israel – as far as ye are able to determine.
20 And to any others that I may indicate by My word through My servant.
21 And at this time ye shall send My word through My servant to the following: even Winston, and also all those who are now in charge of the mine located at Salem.
22 And thus I have said that this needs be accomplished that those be warned, that they have no excuse before Me at the last day.
Section 273
Revelation given August 28, 2018
My son, I your Lord and Savior am pleased with My servants in sending out the revelations of your God, through My servant I have sent for the last time.
2 For My authorities must be given a last opportunity of repentance before My calamities will be poured out upon them.
3 Yet there are others who also must be warned.
4 Ye shall send a copy first to the authorities that run the Dream Mine, making them the first to be warned, for upon them lies the greater responsibility.
5 And when ye have done this I your Savior ask you to send out the revelations to every newspaper and radio station in Utah and southern Idaho, along with all ye sent to the members of the church authorities, along with a letter to them explaining their responsibility in warning My people, for My church and My people will be first to be judged.
6 And now if ye do this as I have commanded ye will have done all ye can to bring to pass My will.
Even so, Amen.
Section 274
Revelation given October 17, 2018
My son, before the millennium can officially be ushered in, a minimum of twelve families must be living the United Order in its purity.
2 This, I your Savior, endeavored to do at the time of My servant Joseph Smith, but ye would not.
3 For too few had prepared themselves adequately to be accepted, thinking only how this condition would benefit themselves.
4 For have I your Savior not said, “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you”.
5 Ye must think and do as My commandments reiterate before they are accepted.