Even if Trump lives long enough to win the election and get rid of federal income taxes, it does not change the Bishop Koyle prophecies that say the government and dollar will go away.

John Jordan was a man who created a long list of the various signposts Bishop Koyle said to be watching for. The following is #70 on that list:

Taxes will be impossibly oppressive. But the government will collapse following the mine coming in, but before the next tax collection time.

Below is some commentary from Norman Pierce, author of The Dream Mine Story. Keep in mind that Norman sometimes tweaked the words of Bishop Koyle, so prayer and discernment should be used when reading his book:

By the time it was time to collect taxes (April), there would be no federal government left to collect them, and consequently the paper dollar became worthless, having no intrinsic value, although for a little while it would drop to 20 cents on the dollar.

It's nice to know the corrupt, bloated government will soon be no more. In the following story about Bishop Koyle, it implies that the government will be gone when the mine comes in. However, based on other quotes, first the mine will start up, and then shortly thereafter the government collapses.

One time in about 1946 an attorney who was quite interested in the Relief Mine, and sometimes he attended the Thursday night meetings, said to the Bishop, "How are you going to stop the government from taking about 94% of the gold away from you?" The Bishop said, "Turney, there ain't goin' to be no government when the mine comes in!"

But once the federal government has collapsed, and the prophesied civil war has played out, what form of government will take its place? This is when the Political Kingdom of God will rise up. It will have its own laws and means of enforcing them. For those who may not know, the Kingdom is separate from the Church. Daniel in Old Testament saw it would be like a stone cut out of the mountain without hands, which will roll forth and crush all other kingdoms.

In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever. Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what will take place in the future; so the dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.” (Daniel 2:44-45)

In his book, Norman Pierce elaborated on how the Relief Mine ties into the Kingdom of God:

The purpose of this great wealth was that it must be reserved for building the nucleus for the Kingdom of God. It would provide an honest money of gold and silver that would make possible the rapid construction of Cities of Refuge, and stock them with food supplies, and equip them with essential industries, so that these cities could be a refuge for righteous which would be segregated out in fulfillment of the parable of the wheat and the tares, thereby bringing to pass "an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked," as stated in D&C 63:54, and also in Section 86. This gold would also serve a wonderful purpose in beautifying the New Jerusalem and the great temple to be built there for the Lord's coming. — A city to be inhabited by Nephites, Lamanites, the Ten Lost Tribes, and the repentant LDS Gentiles then sifted out.

Bishop Koyle made frequent reference to the Kingdom of God bearing rule over the Relief Mine, and he referred to a time to come when we would see the Ensign of Nations, the Kingdom's flag, flying high on Knob Hill above the mine, when this Parliament was established in strength here on the earth.

Exciting times!

Now for the recent news about Trump wanting to eliminate the income tax, which is likely a moot point, as the government will likely be collapsed before this could be implemented.

By Giulia Carbonaro at Newsweek.com

Donald Trump's idea to eliminate the federal income tax by creating an "all tariff policy" should he win the November election would likely further burden lower- and middle-income Americans, an expert told Newsweek, while favoring higher-income individuals.

The former president and Republican presidential candidate reportedly floated the idea during a private meeting last week, sources told CNBC, which first reported on the story. Addressing Republican lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., on June 13, Trump talked about imposing an "all tariff policy" that would ultimately allow the country to eliminate the income tax entirely, while also suggesting using tariffs as leverage during negotiations with bad actors.

Assaf Harpaz, and assistant professor at the University of Georgia School of Law, told Newsweek that replacing the federal income tax with an "all tariff policy" as suggested by Trump is an idea that raises several practical and theoretical questions.

"In addition to the legislative task of overhauling the Internal Revenue Code, it is difficult to envision how tariffs could completely replace the revenue from federal income taxes," Harpaz told Newsweek.

"In 2023, the federal government collected over $2 trillion from individual income taxes, alone," he explained. "Moreover, foreign governments may levy punitive tariffs in response to the policy, and increased costs would presumably roll over to individual taxpayers."

That, for Harpaz, is the biggest issue.

"The policy, if implemented, is unlikely to benefit most Americans," he said. "The federal income tax is progressive by design, whereas an all-out tariff could create regressive outcomes—burdening lower and middle-income Americans while favoring higher-income individuals and corporations."

(3 minutes long)

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