According to #10, on the list of Bishop Koyle last days prophecies collected by John Jordan, "gold will be legal in trade". Good, because that is how it should be. Our founding fathers were well informed on the necessity of sound money; therefore, they wrote it into the constitution so that Congress would keep the responsibility of a sound money system. In article 1, section 10, it reads:
No state shall make anything but gold and silver coin tender in payment of debts.
Mike Maloney, from the GoldSilver channel on YouTube, just posted a video with great news! He discusses Utah’s House Bill 306, which would allow residents of Utah to use gold and silver as payment for goods and services, alongside the U.S. dollar. It has passed both the House and the Senate, and the governor intends to sign it.
This new bill builds on the 2011 Utah Legal Tender Act, which was spearheaded by Larry Hilton. Here are highlights of the law that got things started:
- Gold and silver coin issued by the federal government is legal tender in the state.
- A person may not compel any other person to tender or accept gold and silver coin.
- Tax credit for capital gains: If you make a profit from selling or trading gold and silver coins, Utah will provide a nonrefundable tax credit to reduce the taxes you owe on that profit.
- The exchange of gold and silver coin is exempt from sales and use taxes.
Source: Utah Code 59-1-1501 through 59-1-1503
Currently, paper money, or fiat currency, is the standard for transactions in the U.S., but this new bill could pave the way for gold and silver to be used again. The proposed law would make gold and silver coins AND bullion legal tender in Utah, meaning they would have the same status as the dollar in transactions.
This development is important because it might be the first sign of a broader trend where gold and silver, which have historically been used as money for thousands of years, could return to the spotlight. These metals are often seen as a more stable store of value compared to paper money, which is susceptible to inflation and government control. Maloney suggests that Utah’s bill could cause a shift away from fiat currencies like the dollar and towards a more sound monetary system based on something tangible, like gold and silver.
Remember, Bishop Koyle told believers that owning 100 shares would be sufficient to care for any man's family. But, if a man had more than 100, he would be in a better position to assist his fellow men during the times of financial trouble and famine.
This discussion is part of a larger conversation around the potential collapse of the fiat currency system. Advocates for gold and silver often argue that they provide a safeguard against inflation, unlike the dollar, which can lose value when central banks print too much of it. Over time, people have become concerned about how government debt and inflation are eroding the value of paper money, and some see precious metals as a way to protect their wealth.
In the book, The Dream Mine Story, by Norman Pierce, he recounts what Bishop Koyle said will ultimately happen to the dollar:
Here in Utah, big industries like Kennecott Copper and Geneva Steel, would be shut down, as well as government related industries, and unemployment would be widespread. The U.S. paper dollar and coinage, having no intrinsic value, will no longer redeemable in gold and silver, and it soon would become worthless and no longer be regarded as legal tender. This would cause every bank in the country to fail except one established near the Dream Mine, which would have enough gold back of it to survive.
So basically, the Utah Gold Bill will likely accelerate the movement to reintroduce gold and silver as a legitimate, widely accepted forms of payment. This is essential for the gold coins minted by the Relief Mine to be useful throughout the economy. It's clear the day of vindication for Bishop Koyle's dream-inspired gold mine is drawing closer with each passing day!
Now, for the short video by Mike Maloney:
(6 minutes)
Some questions to ponder:
- Have you watched the 2 minute video where Larry Hilton describes how people could use debit cards that are backed by gold?
- Do you feel this legislation is laying the groundwork for people being able to use, on a daily basis, the coins that will be minted by the Relief Mine?
Leave your comments below.