The following quote is from Lynn Bishop's book, "The Winding Up Scene". It details a prophecy about how 600 homes will be built in White City within a month:
Bishop Koyle is quoted as saying that White City, the first place of refuge, will be built at the Mine at the same time the wheat bins are built. Some stockholders have seen this in vision. An army of workers will act rapidly, and, according to a former secretary of the Mine, Bishop Koyle said the City will be built with over six hundreds homes in a thirty-day period. This initial construction will be between the mountain and the upper canal. With much divine revelation and instruction, together with the means [gold from the Mine] to obtain the necessary materials, and plenty of willing workers who desire and need the work, it will all be accomplished very quickly.
But how could any organization build 20 new homes every day for a month you ask? Good question! It sounds sound a bit over the top! However, the following videos demonstrate how this might happen.
Absolutely amazing technology! Who would have guessed we would see the day where homes are "printed"! And if 3D printers are not used, then what about this other factory built process that makes homes out of concrete panels?
Finally, here is another company who can quickly build homes in their factory, but these fold up and can be transported to the destination by truck. This is not anything close to your grandmother's mobile home! While these homes may not be the best long term housing solution, if they provide a nice place to live, inside the protective wall of White City during the civil war, then count me in!
White City will be built around the base of the Relief Mine. To the north of the Mine there is a land developer, D. R. Horton, who is starting to build a new housing community. Will this company do the leg work, preparing the land, only to have the Relief Mine buy them out later on?
Here are some photos from April, 2024, of the progress being made on the land owned by D.R. Horton:

Or will these 600 homes only be built South of the Relief Mine? Maybe this is where #79 from John Jordan's list comes into play:
Roving bands and marauders will not be a problem south of the Highline Canal.
Perhaps this statement from Bishop Koyle refers to the fact that the homes comprising White City will indeed be built south of the mine, and ultimately south of the Highline Canal.
Do you plan on taking advantage of the safety provided by White City during the coming civil war? If so, are you open to a home made out of concrete like these videos depict? Is there another process that can build 600 new homes within a month? Leave your comments below.